Friday, May 16, 2014

Family History Project

My name is Lauren Stubbs.  This is a project I completed about my family history. I gained a lot of knowledge through doing this project, and I was surprised at a lot of the information I learned. I had many ways of gathering information for this project.  To get started, I interviewed my mom.  I then interviewed my grandma.  They gave me some very helpful information, but I still needed more.  To get more information from my dad's side of the family, I e-mailed him. With all of this information, I was able to make a family tree using Family Echo.  I was also able to make a Prezi, Infographic, and a 5-Frame Storyboard using all the information I gathered.
This is the Prezi I created from my family history: 

This is my Family History Inforgraphic:
I also made a 5-frame storyboard.  This is of my brother looking through a photo album.

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