Friday, May 16, 2014

Family History Project

My name is Lauren Stubbs.  This is a project I completed about my family history. I gained a lot of knowledge through doing this project, and I was surprised at a lot of the information I learned. I had many ways of gathering information for this project.  To get started, I interviewed my mom.  I then interviewed my grandma.  They gave me some very helpful information, but I still needed more.  To get more information from my dad's side of the family, I e-mailed him. With all of this information, I was able to make a family tree using Family Echo.  I was also able to make a Prezi, Infographic, and a 5-Frame Storyboard using all the information I gathered.
This is the Prezi I created from my family history: 

This is my Family History Inforgraphic:
I also made a 5-frame storyboard.  This is of my brother looking through a photo album.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5

I agree with this video.  It shows how unsocial our society has come, and how it needs to change.  We all need to stop texting, tweeting, and posting and start living our lives so we can experience the world and the people in it.  We don't want to regret what we didn't do when we are old, so we should start living out lives without as much technology and with more people.