Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday, January 10

What do you want to learn in the class the semester? What information do you want to walk away with that you didn't know before? Elaborate!

This semester I would like to learn more about how to use technology on computers.  There are many programs on computers that I don't know how to use, or don't know how to use well.  There have been many instances in class when were using a program such as prezi, and I didn't fully know how to use it and this made the project a lot harder for me.  Prezi is only an example of a program I would like to get to know better.  There are many more programs that I want to get to know.  Mainly, I want to walk away with more knowledge not only on how to navigate and work programs but also how to solve problems that I encounter while I am on the computer.  I have encountered many problems on the computer and there was nothing I could do.  It would be great if I could learn to be a better problem solver by the time the semester is over.

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